Hey busy business owner!
On Trend Stock Library

Welcome to our online stock library full of on trend photos, videos and social media templates for busy business owners. Our goal is to help elevate your website and marketing systems, while ensuring you never run out of content to post on social media. Browse our site to discover how we can help your business shine.
All your marketing visuals in one place.
Are you tired of scouring the internet for the perfect images, videos, and graphics to elevate your business's marketing efforts? Look no further! GBP Styled Stock is here to revolutionise the way you approach visual content.
Introducing our comprehensive subscription-based library, designed exclusively for businesses like yours. With a simple monthly, quarterly, or yearly subscription, gain unlimited access to our vast collection of high-quality stock photos, captivating videos, and engaging social media graphics. No more worrying about costly licenses or limited downloads. It's all yours, at your fingertips, whenever you need it.


Our Story
In 2014 I (Georgia) started my journey as a professional photographer, now after 10 years of photographing weddings and businesses I have learned what you really need as businesses to capture your audiences attention and market yourselves well! Over the years we have become experts in providing high-quality stock photos, videos, and social media templates. We never stop improving and will continue to expand our offerings to best serve our customers. Click Below and you can see our subscription packages.

At work

Daily Life

Seasonal Content

Topic and colour based
Save Time and Money:
Say goodbye to hours spent searching for the right imagery or hiring expensive photographers. With our subscription model, access a treasure trove of visuals at a fraction of the cost, saving you both time and money that can be better invested in growing your business.
Consistent Branding:
Build a cohesive brand identity effortlessly with our curated collections and customizable templates. Ensure consistency across all your marketing channels, from your website to your social media profiles, and leave a lasting impression on your audience.
Stay Ahead of Trends:
Our library is constantly updated with fresh content, keeping you ahead of the curve in visual marketing trends. Stand out from the competition with the latest visuals that resonate with your target demographic and drive engagement.
Peace of Mind:
Rest easy knowing that all our content is licensed for commercial use, so you can focus on what you do best – running your business. Say goodbye to legal headaches and hello to stress-free creativity.
What's Included?
Royalty-Free Styled Stock Images:
Elevate your brand's visual presence with our extensive collection of royalty-free styled stock images. From professional office setups to cozy home environments, we offer a diverse range of high-quality photographs tailored to suit various industries and aesthetics. Say goodbye to generic imagery and hello to captivating visuals that resonate with your audience.
Reel and TikTok-Oriented Video Clips:
Dive into the world of short-form video marketing with our ever-growing curated selection of Reel and TikTok-oriented video clips. Perfect for capturing attention in the fast-paced world of social media, these videos are perfect for the background of videos just add some text relevant to your niche and boom, stress free reel creation.
Social Media Graphic Canva Templates:
Simplify your social media branding with our collection of customisable graphic templates. We offer a wide variety of professionally designed templates to suit all your social media needs. Easily add your branding elements, text, and images to create eye-catching graphics that reflect your unique style and message. With our templates, crafting stunning visuals for your social media channels has never been easier.